Your Mountain, Your Newspaper
April 1, 2024
Cameron Ruen to the publisher
Dear Mountain Times,
Mike Ward/project manager and I were at the Hoodland CPO meeting last night to talk about the Welches Road Pedestrian Improvements Project.
This project came out of The Villages at Mt. Hood Pedestrian and Bikeway Implementation Plan in 2016 (advisory and technical committees were involved). This project was elevated as a priority in that plan. It is moving forward due to the Community Road Fund, a consistent source of local, countywide revenue to complete projects most important to our residents and businesses that increase safety, relieve congestion and maintain local roads (active advisory committee involved — a couple members from Sandy area!).
Our ask right now is for people in the community to complete an interactive survey telling us how they walk or bike on Welches Road in between Highway 26 and Birdie Lane, along with their preferences, ideas and concerns. While we have a sense of what people said in 2016, we want to make sure we have an accurate picture before we start design (estimated to start in Aug.). We want to engage people to weigh in because the more we know before design starts, the more we may be able to fit community needs into the design. After engineering design starts, we will check in with the CPO during project milestones.
Survey: open through April 21. QR code below; url is
Project webpage: Sign up for an email list to be notified of CPO meetings and feedback opportunities.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Cameron Ruen, Community Relations Specialist
Clackamas County Department of Transportation & Development