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Your Mountain, Your Newspaper



September 2, 2009

Community Reaches Out For Vets

(MT) – Oregon’s homeless veterans got a hand up at the recent “Stand Down”
event held in Portland.

The Mountain community struck a major chord at the event as most of the
items handed out had been donated by people on the Mountain.

Clothing, backpacks, shoes and other necessities were among the items made
available for our veterans.

“By noon, 95 percent of the clothing and survival gear was in the hands of
homeless and at-risk veterans,” said Eileen Vigil, community coordinator.

The 2009 Stand Down was organized by Central City Concern, the
Department of Veteran’s Affairs, WorkSource Portland Metro and Hire Oregon
Vets. The event featured 32 potential employers and dozens of service
providers. More than 600 veterans attended.

Throughout the day hot food was served and there was live music. As with
other Stand Downs held annually throughout the U.S., this one made
available a variety of information and services, including: resources for
rehabilitation; retraining and employment; community and legal services;
veteran’s advocates; counseling and psychiatric professionals; even hair cuts,
medical screening and X-rays.

“It is impossible to attend an event like this and not be permanently affected
by the weight of the needs of homeless vets,” Vigil said.

On any given night the VA estimates 200,000 veterans sleep on the streets of
America. Nearly 400,000 experience homelessness over the course of a year.

Conservatively the National Council for Homeless Veterans estimates one out
of three homeless men sleeping in a doorway, alley, or box in our cities and
rural communities has put on a uniform and served the country.

About half of all homeless veterans served during the Vietnam War era. Most
observers believe more Vietnam veterans have committed suicide over the
past 30 years than the 57,000 who died fighting the war.

“My husband and I have gathered, donated, delivered clothing and gear for
veterans, and we regularly deliver to the VA outreach coordinator on the
streets of Portland,” Vigil said. “This Mountain community has shown a
generous spirit, enabling us to provide ski jackets in winter, rain gear, gloves
and other warm clothing. This summer we also began delivering business
clothing to the nonprofit Central City Concern for their Homeless Veterans
Reintegration Program.

“Anyone who would like to join us in our year-round effort is enthusiastically
invited, whether it be via contributing a pair of new socks, or a $2 mylar
emergency blanket, or an article of clothing from your closet.”

Cards are placed throughout the Mountain community with contact
information and wish lists updated monthly. Contact the coordinators at:

Drop-off sites for donations are: Designers Hair Center, Welches; Mountain
Building Supply, Welches; Mt. Hood Roasters Coffee Company,
Rhododendron; Wy’east Book Shoppe & Art Gallery, Welches; and The
Mountain Times, Welches.

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