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Your Mountain, Your Newspaper



June 4, 2009

Villages Awarded Fund For New Express Bus

(MT) -- The Villages at Mount Hood and Clackamas County have a spanking-
new bus that will be added to the Mountain Express service.

The award was in the amount of $97,733 in Federal Stimulus funds, and the
money is to be used to purchase the 20-passenger bus and future
preventative maintenance.

The Mountain Express has also been approved to purchase a second vehicle
with Special Transportation funds which cover the cost of 90 percent of the

The steering committee from the Villages is currently fundraising the $7,700
required for the second vehicle.

“The bus we are using right now is in terrible condition — we’ve replaced
three engines over the last two years,” said Bob Reeves, Villages chairman.

“With the Federal Stimulus money and the STF funds, we will be able to
replace our current vehicle and will be able to stop paying for the use of a
back-up vehicle. We will be in great shape for at least six years.”

The steering committee has currently raised $2,980 toward its goal.

These funds came from the May 2 Mexican dinner, which brought in $1,630,
and from other donations.

The Oregon Department of Transportation has received funds from the federal
government specifically to to be used by small, rural transit systems for
capital purchases — such as new vehicles and equipment.

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