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Auction brings back the fun to help support Welches Schools

March 1, 2023

By Garth Guibord/MT

Three years ago, the Welches Parent Teacher Community Organization
(WPTCO) was about to hold its annual auction fundraiser when the
coronavirus pandemic hit, leading to the event’s cancellation just a few days
before it was scheduled. The pandemic nixed it again in 2021 and even when
things started opening up, strict restrictions also prevented the auction from
happening in 2022.

This month, however, it is back.

“Everything just got put on hold until now,” said Ally Hornor, co-president of
the WPTCO. “That was a big bummer.”

The event is the WPTCO’s biggest fundraiser, which helps the organization
support the school, staff and students throughout the year, including for
things including playground equipment, field trips, technology, art programs,
guest speakers, the “Thank You” ticket store and much more.

This year’s event, which will be held at 5 p.m. Saturday, March 18, at Camp
Arrah Wanna, 24075 E. Arrah Wanna Blvd. in Welches, will be for adults ages
21 and older only. It will feature a dinner of corned beef, cabbage and more,
spearheaded by Ally’s husband, Jason Hornor (known for his years at the
Skyway Bar and Grill), live ukulele music by Sara Lee Houston, beef from
Laurelwood Brewing, a silent auction and a live auction, run by Tom Anderson
of the Rendezvous.

“He always brings a fun time,” Ally said.

The big ticket auction items includes a stay at Timberline’s Silcox Hut for up to
12 people, including dinner and breakfast.

“That’s a really fun one,” Ally said. “(Timberline) is just so wonderful to the

Other auction items include a pontoon boat rental, an annual pass to the
Aladdin Theater, a rafting package in Maupin, wine, gift baskets, gift
certificates to area restaurants and more.

“We’re just really looking forward to having a fun, community event again; it’s
been so long,” Ally said. “We’re really hoping and anticipating that this is a
successful event for our school.”

For more information on the auction, including ways to volunteer or donate,

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