Your Mountain, Your Newspaper
Community rallies for fresh start to CPO
February 1, 2022
By Garth Guibord/MT
Approximately 10 years ago, the Mt. Hood Corridor Community Planning
Organization (CPO) ceased operations, leaving communities such as Welches,
Wemme, Zigzag and more without an official voice to offer opinions on land
use to Clackamas County. Development has not stopped however, and next
month community members will gather by Zoom at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb.
16 to start a new CPO and take on this important role.
“The real importance is getting the word out for proposed developments;
getting full community input, rather than just immediate neighbors,” said
David Lythgoe, who served as president of the former CPO and has been part
of the effort to form the new one. “I’ve been happy and surprised with the
amount of community interest. I hope it continues after formation.”
The proposed boundaries of the new CPO (which has yet to have an official
name) would include communities from Lolo Pass Road to Cherryville Road,
with all residents, property owners and business owners as its membership.
The CPO will be run by a board of directors.
Katie Wilson, Clackamas County Community Engagement Coordinator, noted
in an email to The Mountain Times that if voters are successful in starting the
new CPO, members will proceed with nominating and voting in a board and
then revising their bylaws at future meetings.
She added that CPOs receive land-use notifications to review and must
convene at least twice a year while following public meeting laws. The bylaws
will determine the number of board members, their roles and the elections
If the CPO is formed, community members at the kick-off meeting will
nominate and vote for initial board members.
Any member of the proposed CPO can join the meeting by registering in
advance at