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Contributed photo Farmers Market's fruitful fundraising effort this spring

March 31, 2023

By Garth Guibord/MT

Kate Brauner, manager of the Hoodland Farmers Market, noted that fundraising accounts for approximately 90 percent of what the market needs to function throughout the summer months.

“Community support is critical in making the market move and function,” she said, adding that grants make up the next largest portion of operating funds.

The market is currently raising funds through,
search for “Hoodland Farmers Market.”

Brauner said there will be some new additions to the market, which will start
on Saturday, May 27 this year, including a toilet that is ADA accessible and
participation in the “Double Up Food Bucks Oregon” program (matching
money spent at farmers markets through the Farmers Market Fund).
She also hopes to have a fund to help pay for the musicians who will play at
the market and to use money for better signage to draw more from the
seasonal traffic.

The market is also looking to add volunteers, including looking for someone
with accounting experience to be the treasurer on the market’s board of
directors, another opening for a volunteer to run the kids booth and anyone
who has experience with fundraising and marketing.

Brauner noted that this year, the market has opened up the opportunity for
business sponsorships, with three different tiers of involvement.

“If local businesses want to support the market and local farmers, becoming a
sponsor would be extremely helpful,” she said, noting that more information is
available on the market’s website,,
under “Get Involved.”

The market will be back on the same day of the week (Saturday) and in the
same location (at the Church on the Mountain) as last year. Brauner noted
that the market will run two weeks longer into October this year, as the
weather proved hospitable to an extended season.

Interested vendors and musicians can also find more information on
participating this year, and Brauner added that she is particularly interested
adding hot food vendors.

“It’s a delicate balance (to) keep the right blend of food and other items,” she

Brauner also noted two other additions to the market, as two different regular
farmers had children recently.

“When you support the market, you support small family farmers,” she said.
For more information, find the market on Facebook and Instagram, and
anyone interested in volunteering can email

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