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del Val joins the contest for HD 52 state representative seat

March 1, 2018

By Larry Berteau/MT

“I’ve watched with dismay as President Trump has exacerbated racial tensions and fueled anti-immigrant sentiment, and I believe that Oregon has the chance to make clear that we will not fall for the politics of division and fear,” Aurora del Val explained in a press release announcing her candidacy for state representative in House District 52 – which includes the Hoodland community.

“Now is not the time for sitting on the sidelines,” she added. “I am running ...
to stand up and take the most active part I can in our democracy. I value
justice for all. I value decency. I trust that Oregon voters do as well.”

The Cascade Locks resident first dipped her toes into political pools in 2016
when she led the bipartisan campaign to protect water supplies from Nestle’s
attempt to export millions of gallons a year of bottled water from the
Columbia River. The grassroots campaign attracted local farmers,
conservationists and native Americans and the ballot measure scored a
stunning 69 percent victory.

“What that campaign taught me is that even if we are outspent, we can take
on special interests and win as long as we’re willing to talk to our neighbors
and stay focused on the public good,” she said.

del Val was born to a working-class family, raised in a farming community by
a father who served in two wars and a mother who processed vegetables in
the packing industry. As a college educator, she taught English and was
Department Chair at Portland Community College. She championed the raising
of capital for improvements at Mt. Hood Community College.

del Val is the current President of Hood River’s Rockford Grange and has a
deep appreciation for the important role farms and orchards in District 52 play
in Oregon’s agricultural economy and local communities alike.

The Democrat candidate will hold a Kick-Off (meet Aurora) event from 6 to 8
p.m., March 2, at the Ant Farm in Sandy, followed by a meeting from 9 to
10:30 a.m., March 3, at the Still Creek Inn.

“The Oregon Legislature will have the opportunity to show that Oregon values
our seniors, that we do not believe people should have the emergency room
as their only health care option, or that the interests of corporations should be
elevated above the interests of people,” del Val said.

The HD 52 seat is on the ballot following the resignation last November of
Rep. Mark Johnson (R-Hood River), and the subsequent selection of Jeff
Helfrich by the district Republican committee to assume the interim seat.

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