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Your Mountain, Your Newspaper


Final Four - Rhody logo contest

May 7, 2018

By Garth Guibord/MT

A contest to select a logo for the community of Rhododendron is down to a
final four following a meeting by the “Matrix Committee,” comprised of the
Rhododendron Community Planning Organization’s (CPO) Rhody

Rising subcommittee, Will Frank of the Clackamas County Arts Alliance and
local artist Sue Allen. The group met on Monday, April 23 to narrow down a
field of six that had been selected out of 45 initial logo entries.

“We’ve got four great logos,” said Steve Graeper, Rhododendron CPO
president. “I am tickled at the diversity of the designs.” The Matrix, a
scorecard where committee members assigned points in three categories for
each of the six entries, was utilized to expand thinking and focus attention
beyond a popular vote to determine the four entries that would move on to
the final selection, to be held at the CPO’s Saturday, May 19 meeting at The
Resort at The Mountain, starting at 10:30 a.m. The three categories covered
ease of production (how the design would work for both large and small-scale
uses), cost of reproduction (potential expenses associated with reproducing
the image) and visual acuity (how the design represents the vision of the
Rhododendron community). A fourth category included a score reflecting the
popular vote by the CPO’s members.

The CPO had initially planned to select three entries for the final decision, but
a tie for the third-place logo resulted in the selection of four designs. The four
artists behind the logos, Mark Schumaker, Cheryl Budd, Laurie Crabb and
Renee Lamoreaux, all of whom hail from the mountain community.

“They’re all distinctly different,” Allen said about the final logos. The four
designs will be on display in various locations, including at the Rhododendron
Post Office, through social media and in the Mountain Times prior to the
meeting on May 19. Members of the CPO, comprised of residents, property
owners and business owners within the CPO's boundaries, will determine
through a popular vote which logo is the winner. The winning selection may
also go on through some final changes, such as adjusting colors or adding a
notation for the starting year of the Rhododendron community.

The winning entry will win a prize package that will include: $500, golf and a
cart for two at The Resort At The Mountain, two lift certificates at Skibowl, a
gift certificate to Skyway Bar & Grill and cross-country ski rental from Otto's
Ski Shop in Sandy.

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