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Free Government Camp Firewise Fuel Reduction

June 1, 2023

Please find below two opportunities for FREE work to remove debris from your property and decrease your fire risk:

1) Those who already had work done:
You can be reimbursed for some of the costs incurred for clearing your property if you mail receipts by June 8, 2023. Be sure to include your name, your Government Camp property address and the address where you want reimbursement checks mailed.

Submit reimbursement requests to Scott Kline by June 8, 2023.
Scott C. Kline, Division Chief/Fire Marshal
Hoodland Fire District #74
69634 E. Highway 26 Welches, Oregon 97067
Office: 503-622-3256 Mobile: 503-459-1528

2) Those who need work done:
We have a unique opportunity to reduce the likelihood that our homes or recreational properties will be burned by removing underbrush, branches and small trees that can ignite buildings. In June, Ant Farm crews are ready to cut, remove and chip small trees and fuels around your property at no cost to homeowners.

To benefit from this important support, please request services via the Ant Farm using their website This online request will allow staff to begin assessing your property in May and early June so you can take action to complete treatments in June.
Government Camp CPO Board
Nick Rinard President
Brett Fischer Vice President
Jake Thompson Secretary/ Treasurer

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