Your Mountain, Your Newspaper
Holiday Block Party offers produce and crafts
December 1, 2019
By Garth Guibord/MT
Based on the success of a Harvest Market held in late October, Lauren
Carusona will offer a Holiday Block Party from noon to 8:30 p.m. Sunday,
Dec. 8, in the Hoodland Shopping Center, including indoor vendors offering a
range of produce and crafts. The event will be hosted by Mountain Mel’s and
Cooper’s Wine Bar & Shop, offering two indoor locations for local shoppers to
stock up on holiday essentials.
“It was pretty cold for the Harvest Market we did, we realized it was going to
be colder,” said Carusona, the Market Manager for the Hoodland Farmers
Market held on Sundays during the summer.
Vendors at the event will operate in two shifts, the first from noon to 4 p.m.
and the second from 4:30-8:30 p.m. Carusona expects some of the vendors
from the farmers market in attendance, offering produce, preserves, locally
raised pork and more, alongside handmade crafts.
“We’ll have lots of different variety; a little different and more unique,”
Carusona said, adding she expects approximately 30 vendors to be on hand.
“It’s kind of an extension of the summer market with a little more crafts.”
She added that some businesses in the immediate area will offer specials and
that people can float back and forth between the stores and the market, while
those in attendance can also expect a plump and jolly visitor spreading
holiday cheer.
Carusona noted the Block Party evolved from a holiday market last year at
Camp Arrah Wanna, which was held after she received numerous requests for
the event.
“They’re speaking to us, so let's listen,” Carusona said.
She added that the vendors are local and that the demand for market and
block party show that people are valuing local shopping options for their food
and gifts, particularly those made on Mount Hood.
“It’s all super local people,” Carusona said. “I think people are starting to
value and do that more. We’re happy to provide that.”
She added that if the event proves to be as popular as she thinks, there is
potential to hold more events during the winter.
“We’ve talked about it, (we’re) going to base it off how this one goes,”
Carusona said.
Vendors expected at Cooper’s Wine Bar during the Holiday Block Party include
Chicken Coop Botanicals (noon to 4 p.m.), La Fountain Herbal (4:30-8:30
p.m.), Copper Goddess Designs (noon to 8:30 p.m.) and Jerry Cave Jewelry
(noon to 8:30 p.m.).
Vendors expected at Mountain Mel’s Essential Goods during the Holiday Block
Party from noon to 4 p.m. include Hood Soaps, Brown Bottle Farm, Hood Hills
Farm, Frances Waddell Art, Harrington Family , Designs by Viki and Sugar
Maple Swine.
Vendors expected at Mountain Mel’s Essential Goods during the Holiday Block
Party from 4:30-8:30 p.m. include Sometimes Sewing, Golden Wander,
Creative Tensions and Hoss Soss.
Vendors expected at Mountain Mel’s Essential Goods during the Holiday Block
Party from noon to 8:30 p.m. include Seams Like Sunshine, Eco Chick, 4
Hearts Kombucha, Alleyways Handmade and Wyeast Woman.
For more information, find “Hoodland Farmers' Market” on Facebook.