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Hwy. 26 sign project to impact weekday traffic

June 30, 2017

By Garth Guibord/MT

Legacy Contracting, the contractor for the Oregon Department of
Transportation’s (ODOT) RealTime sign project on Hwy. 26, is expected to
continue work through July, including drilling, installing electric conduit and
pouring cement pads for the sign supports.

The electronic signs will offer up to the minute traffic information and
advisories, including road conditions and travel times between destinations.

Lane and shoulder closures are expected to take place for the work, and while
the contractor is allowed to work Monday through Saturday each week,
Legacy has kept to a Monday through Thursday schedule.

Kimberly Dinwiddie, ODOT Community Affairs, noted the custom-made signs
could be installed sometime in August, but the signs will not be fully functional
until a later date as ODOT will need to test the software.

“Compared to the project that we had over the past three summers, this one
is much more minimal as far as impacting travelers,” Dinwiddie said. “I think
everybody up there deserves a break from all the construction. We really
appreciate the patience and understanding of all the community members up

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