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Local aid group to hold monthly food market

September 1, 2018

By Garth Guibord/MT

Steve Carlson, Chair of Neighborhood Missions (NM), noted that a goal of the
organization – which has aided area residents in need of food, firewood and
means to pay for utilities, rent, prescriptions and more for more than 20 years
– is to be more broadly based in the community. The organization has
functioned through the Hoodland Lutheran Church and will now also partner
with the Oregon Food Bank (OFB) to provide a monthly free food market. The
free food market will take place from 9-10 a.m. on the last Monday of each
month, starting with Monday, Sept. 24, in the parking lot behind the Hoodland
Senior Center, 65000 Hwy. 26 in Welches.

“We’re excited about this,” Carlson said, noting OFB contacted the
organization last winter about the prospect of becoming a partner agency.
“We’re also excited about a new partnership with Senior Center.”

OFB will bring food to the location, including dry goods and in-season
produce, and it will be available to everyone, as there are no criteria or
prerequisites to qualify. Participants will only be asked for their zip code and
the number of people in their household, and they are encouraged to bring
bags or boxes to transport the food to their home. Carlson added that NM will
continue with its usual food distributions, which consist of people in need
calling in to leave a message about their needs and a delivery will be
arranged. The phone number is 503-622-9213.

“We will continue doing that, which will really be supplemental for some
people,” he said.

For more information, email

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