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Noah's Quest offers support to those who have lost a child

June 1, 2021

By Garth Guibord/MT

Saturday, June 26 will mark the 16th annual Noah’s Quest, a walk/run event
for everyone who has lost a child or the hope of a child, and for those who
care. The event is a personal one for its organizer, Carol Cohen, who lost her
son Noah as a stillborn in 2005.

“Every year it's hard for me, I get very emotional,” Cohen said. “I always
have a hard time talking.”

But Cohen, who now has two daughters, also noted that the event serves as a
reunion of sorts, bringing together people who have shared the experience of
losing a child, while also welcoming those whose loss is more recent and are
looking for support.

“I feel good to continue doing this every year because I know it helps people,”
Cohen said. “We meet new people and then there’s a bond.
“When people come up to me and just thank me for an event like this, it’s
overwhelming,” she added. “It's unfortunate that we have to do an event like
this. It’s hard to see new people.”

The event will offer a five- or ten-kilometer walk and run, along with a one-
kilometer kid’s run at Sandy Bluff Park, 36910 Goldenrain St. Packet pick up

will happen at 8 a.m. and an opening ceremony will be held at 8:45 a.m.
Participants are highly encouraged to pre-register by Thursday, June 24 at
503-668-5569 or online at Early registration is $30 ($5
for the kid’s run), while registration on race day is $40. Kids ages 6 and under
can run free, unless they run in the kid’s run.

The event will also feature a raffle and guest speaker Pat Schweibert, a
registered nurse who has co-founded a number of support groups (including
Brief Encounters) and written several books, at 11 a.m.

Participants can also request to have their baby’s name on a sign in the
racecourse. The deadline for a submission is 2 p.m. Thursday, June 24.
The event, which was held virtually last year, will adhere to COVID safety
guidelines, which may include masks during part or all of the walk/run. It will
take place rain or shine, but it may be canceled in extreme weather. In the

event of cancellation, entry fees will be used as a donation to Brief Encounters
support group.

For more information, or if you are interested in volunteering, please visit or call 503-668-5569.

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