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Park District moves on to May ballot

March 1, 2022

By Garth Guibord/MT

The proposed Hoodland Park District will move forward to the May ballot after
Clackamas County Commissioners approval at the Thursday, Feb. 3 meeting,
which was held virtually. The commissioners did modify the proposal by
removing the communities within the 97028 zip code, including Government
Camp, Wapanitia and Summit Meadows, after members of those communities
expressed the desire to be removed.

“We’re very happy that it made it to the ballot because we believe that people
in the Mountain communities want to be able to vote on it,” said Marci Slater,
one of the district’s chief petitioners. “We’re excited about the next three
months where we can have an open conversation about what this means for
our community, the great opportunity that is before us.”

Slater noted that plans are underway to hold townhall meetings and rallies to
help spread information about the proposed district.

If formed, the district would receive three parcels of land on Salmon River
Road from Clackamas County and would develop the Dorman Center site as a
community park, with possible amenities including a pavilion, playground,
walking trails, extended community garden, bike pump track, skate park, dog
park, space for farmers market, restrooms and onsite security.

The district would be funded by a local property tax, proposed to be a
maximum of 67 cents per $1,000 of assessed value (resulting in
approximately $200 per year on a house with an assessed value of

If the district wins voter approval, it will be overseen by a board of five
volunteer directors, who will also be elected on the May ballot. Anyone
interested in filing as a candidate for the district’s board must do so through
the county by Tuesday, March 8.

“They won’t have much time to file,” Slater said. “Anyone can file; the more
the merrier. Having a choice is good.”

Those who are interested can go to the elections website at and find the link for the May election to
find more information on how to file. She added that the hope is that the
board will be comprised by members of the various communities within the
district’s boundaries.

Slater noted that she is aware of two people who plan on filing, although she
will not. She added that those elected to the first board of directors will be
very hard work.

“It will be like setting up a company,” she said. “The first couple years will be
organizational and policy based.”

Other important dates prior to the May election include Thursday, March 10
for voter’s pamphlets candidate’s statements and Monday, March 21 for voter
pamphlet arguments for/against.

Updates on the park district, including planned events, can be found on the
Nextdoor app and on the district’s website,

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