Your Mountain, Your Newspaper
Rhody Water an ‘Outstanding Performer’
January 1, 2019
By Larry Berteau/MT
(The cowboy rises from the card table, saunters over to the bar, knocks some
dust from his chaps, sets a well-worn boot on the foot rail, leans in to the
bartender, fixes him with his steely gray eyes, and says: “Yep, Steve. Believe
I’ll have another a’them waters o’yers.”)
Around the Rhododendron Water Association (RWA), that scenario might not
be that far-fetched.
The RWA, not unaccustomed to attracting accolades, added one more to its
trophy case in November. The Oregon Health Authority bestowed the coveted
“Outstanding Performer” citation for a water system that has demonstrated
exceptional water treatment techniques, record keeping, stayed on schedule
with all testing criteria, and was found to not have any reporting violations in
the last three years.
Fewer than 10 percent of the 3,395 water systems in Oregon have received
this outstanding designation.
“This award means a great deal to the association and the Board of Directors
who make the hard decisions for the association,” said Steven Graeper,
association president. “But most of all, the credit goes to the association
water master, David Jacob. Without David’s skill and expertise in running
water systems, RWA never would have achieved this milestone.”
Capturing the award brings with it the reduction of system surveys from every
three years to once every five years, spreading the $2,700 cost of the survey
over a longer time period.
Other water systems on the Mountain that have received the “Outstanding
Performer” award include Salmon Valley Water, Alder Creek Barlow Water and
Government Camp Water.
It’s our understanding that Steve’s Water Bar is open 24/7.