Your Mountain, Your Newspaper
Women’s Club pitches plan for park district
August 31, 2019
By Benjamin Simpson/MT
Representatives from the Hoodland Women’s Club (HWC) kicked off a two-month community polling process at the Tuesday, Aug. 6 Mt. Hood Area Chamber of Commerce meeting as part of the grass roots initiative to form a new Hoodland Community Park District for the funding of a new park in Welches.
Regina Lythgoe, HWC committee co-chair for Hoodland Park District, noted
the park district would be funded with property tax dollars from residents in
the district as well as grants. She stated the current estimated tax rate would
be between $0.49 and $0.54 per $1,000 of assessed property value, with an
estimated annual assessment of $150-165 on a $300,000 home. The tax base
would create an estimated annual budget between $480,000 and $520,000.
“It could be the jewel of the community,” Lythgoe said. “It will be built for the
safety of children and community to go outside and recreate.”
This presentation was the first of several the HWC is holding around the
mountain through September to discuss potential plans for the park and to
take a poll of public sentiment regarding the proposed tax district.
“Formation of the park district requires an initial expenditure of considerable
time and money,” the HWC explained in information accompanying the
poll. “The HWC is willing to take on this task, however, we want to be certain
this is deemed to be a worthy cause and one that will be supported by local
The potential park tax district will use the same district lines as the Oregon
Trail School District 46.
The park was first proposed when Clackamas County offered to gift the deeds
to three parcels of property on Salmon River Road in Welches for the
formation of a community park. The parcels include the former site of the
Dorman Center across from Welches Elementary School and the current
community garden space. The county can only deed land to a government or
a public entity such as a park district.
The HWC has secured a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) from the
county for a deed transfer for the three parcels upon the establishment of a
funded park district with a governing board in the November 2020 elections. If
the district is not established the county will sell the property to the highest
The HWC consulted with the Mackenzie Group, a regional design firm that
created a park design proposal to conduct a feasibility study and determine
costs for initial development and long-term maintenance of a park in the
Some features of the proposed park include a pavilion, amphitheater, skate
park, dog park, play area, expanded community gardens, and walking path
with an accessible inner loop. The park would also require restrooms, lighting,
parking with shuttle drop-off, benches, kiosks and bike racks.
The Mackenzie Group’s proposal noted, “Using a comparative analysis, the
park design could cost between $3 million and $5 million in today’s
construction market.” The proposal cited excavation, grading and the skate
park being major cost leaders.
“We’ll be frugal with the tax money,” Lythgoe said. She added the park will
be managed by a board of locally elected members and will create jobs in the
If enough of the community shows favorable interest in the park a petition will
be circulated to get the park district, the tax base for the district and
nominated board members on the ballot for November 2020.
Lythgoe said the petition will need support from 750 voters in the proposed
district and the HWC will need to submit the petitions to the county clerk’s
office by March 2020 to get it on the ballot.
The HWC will be presenting the park proposal at the Rhododendron CPO
meeting at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 21, in the public meeting room of the
Hoodland Fire Station, 69634 E. Hwy. 26 in Welches.
For more information regarding the Hoodland Community Park District visit The HWC welcomes courteous public input both
positive and negative by email at, or